We believe that congregations have God given health they may not have fully experienced yet. We are here to help as you go on this Church Healthy journey. We can provide encouragement, coaching, materials for study/messages, instruction in practical ways to follow Jesus’ teachings/example, and more.

Church is a gift from God, though it may not always feel like it. God’s promises assure us He wants us to experience the peace, unity, compassion, joy and dominion that comes with being a part of His Church. His Word promises that the body of Christ can and should be healthy.

Health, at it’s simplest, is all the parts of the body working together. Or as a passage in 1 Corinthians puts it – with members caring for one another and no dissension.

We believe that each congregation has what it needs from God though help may be needed to realize and access this. We respect that God is at work and hope you find this resource scripturally sound and helpful.

While the approach may seem simplistic please see the examples page to learn more about how a more inspired sense of “healthy” can lead to healing and progress.

If you are wondering about beliefs please see the promises and scriptural text they are rooted in. Especially the promises shared by Jesus Christ and Apostle Paul.

Feel free to reach out with questions, comments, or your own victories with church.